Remote debugging BeagleBone Black applications from Eclipse.
Before start this be sure that you have enabled remote access to BBB board from Eclipse.
See the How To Configure Eclipse For BBB board for details.
Install the GDB Server at the BBB board.
Type the following commands in the BBB terminal
debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo apt-get update
debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo apt-get install gdbserver
Install the GDB Multiarch at the Debian PC .
From the PC Debian
andrzej@debian11:~$ sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch
In the Eclipse project directory create file .gdbinit which should has line set architecture arm
andrzej@debian11:~/eclipse-workspace/Test_BBB$ cat .gdbinit
set architecture arm
From Eclipse menu select Run->Debug Configurations
Right click at the C/C++ Remote Application and select New Configuration
In the Main section create New Connection, select SSH type.
Specify properties of a new connection and press Finish.
Click Browse button for Remote C/C++ Application File and select remote file for debugging.
In the Debugger section change the DGB debugger to /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch, and GDB command file to location of .gdbinit file created in previous step.
Press Debug button. The remote debugging session should start.